Siddur Tefillat Shemuel – Serruya Edition


This edition complements the Benmergui edition. Like the Benmergui edition, it contains weekday and Shabbat prayers and features a running commentary, inline instructions, and prayer laws in English. However, this edition does not feature an English translation of the Hebrew prayers.

Many standard prayers that were not included in the Benmergui Edition have been added to this edition, such as Sefer Tehillim, Pirké Avot, Amidah for Shalosh Regalim, life-cycle events (e.g., Berit Milah), special prayers for specific times or occasions (e.g., Parashat HaMan), or for personal situations (e.g., for the sick, pregnancy and birth, parnassah, etc.), and special blessings for unique experiences or mitzvot (e.g., separating challah).

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Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14.5 × 4 cm


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